While doing the Parkway Trail Jane’s Walk this afternoon between 2 and 4 pm, I heard my first Gray Treefrog of the season. It was calling from the south side of the trail, just east of Hilliard Street. Toads were still trilling at the second retention pond (the one furthest to the east) and a Great Blue Heron had been seen hunting there earlier in the day. A Northern Harrier was also observed flying southwest over the Trail, seemingly using it as a corridor to cross the city. Warbling Vireos and small flocks of migrating Blue Jays were seen/heard in several locations as well. Interesting plants in bloom included Marsh Marigold and Bloodroot. The wonderful smell of Balsam Poplar was especially strong in the section of the trail near the retention ponds (between Chemong and Hilliard). There is a stand of Balsam Poplar along the very short footpath leading from Northminster Church parking lot to the trail.

Gray Treefrog

Gray Treefrog

Observer: Drew Monkman





Categories: Sightings

Drew Monkman

I am a retired teacher, naturalist and writer with a love for all aspects of the natural world, especially as they relate to seasonal change.