We were so excited to hear a Whip-poor-will calling June 6, at about 10:50pm.  Thirty-five years ago, when we first moved to 1120 Rock Road near Warsaw, they were very plentiful and would keep you up for hours with their continuous calling.  Then, for whatever reason, they disappeared and we haven’t heard any for many years so it was a real treat to realise that at least one was back in the area.  I hope it is just one of many! (and it has just started up again, I’m listening to it as I type J ) Love your site.  It’s nice to keep up with what is going on in the area!

Jan Myland


Whip-poor-will  (Karl Egressy)

Whip-poor-will (Karl Egressy)

Whip-poor-will (on ground) and Common Nighthawk flying above - Wikimedia

Whip-poor-will (on ground) and Common Nighthawk flying above – Wikimedia



Categories: Sightings

Drew Monkman

I am a retired teacher, naturalist and writer with a love for all aspects of the natural world, especially as they relate to seasonal change.