Snowy Owl pellet - Mike Patterson at

Snowy Owl pellet – Mike Patterson at

Researchers at the Ministry of Natural Resources’ Wildlife Research and Monitoring Section in Peterborough are initiating a study on Short-eared and Snowy Owl diet and are hoping to collect pellets throughout the winter. Essentially, we are looking for changes in the owl’s diets over time and linking that to cyclical changes in prey abundance and possibly changes to our agricultural landscape (e.g., intensification). Starting in a week or so, myself and a colleague will be following up on recent Short-eared and Snowy Owl sightings, getting permission from landowners and attempting to collect pellets from around the sighting locations. We will be monitoring e-bird, ptbosightings, ontbirds and your website.

If anyone comes across Snowy Owl or Short-eared Owl pellets in their travels, we would be grateful if you contacted us.

Val von Zuben
Wildlife Research Technician
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
Wildlife Research and Monitoring Section
2140 East Bank Dr. Peterborough ON K9J7B8
cell: 705-957-6967
tel: 705-755-2265
fax: 705-755-1559

Categories: Sightings

Drew Monkman

I am a retired teacher, naturalist and writer with a love for all aspects of the natural world, especially as they relate to seasonal change.