"Earthshine" on waxing crescent moon (Rick Stankiewicz)

“Earthshine” on waxing crescent moon (Rick Stankiewicz)

1. Watch the track of Jupiter as it tracks south through Gemini, like an extra and brightest “star”, this winter until March 6th when it appears to stop and then looks to reverse its track and go back to the east as the year progresses.

2. Venus will be a brilliant morning “star” this winter from mid-January onward and will be near the waning crescent Moon on the mornings of January 28th and February 26th (Always a nice show).

3. April 3rd will be a wonderful sight of a crescent Moon with Earthshine sitting amid the stars of the Hyades cluster of Taurus and should make for a nice binocular view.

4. There will be a total lunar eclipse on April 15th, but beginning at 3:06 a.m. and ending 4:24 a.m. while it is only 1.5 degrees from Spica and 9 degrees from Mars. Hope this helps.

Rick Stankiewicz

Categories: Sightings

Drew Monkman

I am a retired teacher, naturalist and writer with a love for all aspects of the natural world, especially as they relate to seasonal change.