Today, we saw our first Snapping Turtle hatchling of the year. It may have been from a clutch that we saw deposited in our gravel driveway on June 19, though it was raided by (presumably) a raccoon. We protected what was left (which wasn’t much) with some wire netting over the top but the area shows no obvious sign of emergence. We saw none last year but our first encounter with newly hatched snapping turtles was two years ago when we saw seven over a few days safely making their way to the river. Inevitably they were recorded in my wife’s journal as Dopey, Grumpy, Happy, Sneezy, Sleepy, Bashful and Doc!

Location: Sawmill Road, North Dummer Township
Observer: Peter & Stephenie Armstrong

Categories: Sightings

Drew Monkman

I am a retired teacher, naturalist and writer with a love for all aspects of the natural world, especially as they relate to seasonal change.