Today, while out and about, Dave and I saw two turtles basking in the sun in a wetland just east and north of the junction of Lakeview Road and Cty Road #2 south of Peterborough. Later in the afternoon we heard two and saw one Eastern Meadowlark. We heard another one along Highway #28 a little while later, as well as a Killdeer. On Friday, March 16/12, while checking out Little Lake waterfowl, two male geese went after each other tooth and nail (or should I s ay beaks and wings) until one was driven off. The commotion was so disturbing, it drove off all the other waterfowl on the lake. It was quite a sight to witness.

Location: various (see email)
Observer: Sherry Hambly

Categories: Sightings

Drew Monkman

I am a retired teacher, naturalist and writer with a love for all aspects of the natural world, especially as they relate to seasonal change.