We have three Baltimore Orioles at our feeder. Two are males who tussle all the time and the third is a female – L. Harries, Bailieboro
Here is my neighbour’s picture of a female Baltimore Oriole at his hummingbird feeder. He has strapped two BBQ skewers to the  feeder as landing pods. The orioles seem to like this support. I can’t find an 0riole feeder for sale in the area. Everyone is out of stock. – Jim Watt, Gannon Narrows

Female Baltimore Oriole on hummingbird feeder with BBQ skewers - care of Jim Watt

Female Baltimore Oriole on hummingbird feeder with BBQ skewers – care of Jim Watt

male (rear) and female Baltimore Orioles at nectar feeder - L. Harries

male (rear) and female Baltimore Orioles at nectar feeder – L. Harries

Categories: Sightings

Drew Monkman

I am a retired teacher, naturalist and writer with a love for all aspects of the natural world, especially as they relate to seasonal change.