A bit of good luck recently at the Lakefield marsh… theTrumpeter Swan we saw May 25th was feeding with the geese today. This time he was close enough to see his tag (J84). I checked the Trumpter Swan Society’s website and found out he’s one of the 10 cygnets hatched at Sturgeon Lake last summer . At one point he seemed a bit miffed with one of the geese and chased him off a bit. Other than that, they all fed together peacefully. It was quite overcast (having rained all day yesterday and again that morning) so the light was strange and the exposure not ideal, but it was still great to get a closer look at him. He’s not been seen again since… I’ve reported the sightings to the Trumpeter Swan Society and the USGS bird banding lab. We also saw a Great Egret.

Location: Lakefield Marsh
Observer: Gwen Forsyth

Categories: Sightings

Drew Monkman

I am a retired teacher, naturalist and writer with a love for all aspects of the natural world, especially as they relate to seasonal change.