I had two Monarchs in our garden on August 26. They were attracted to our Buddleia (Butterfly Bush) and Mexican Sunflower (Tithonia). I’ve also seen several north of Peterborough in recent days. A number of reports of Monarch caterpillars around Warsaw were reported to me, too.

Don Davis will once again be tagging Monarchs at Presqu’ile Provincial Park on the Saturday and Sunday of Labor Day Weekend. He told me he’s finding eggs and small larvae in fields in the Cobourg area. Numbers aren’t great, but at least there are some. If you’ve never seen Don’s tagging demonstration, it’s a great event. Kids get to actually hold and release the tagged adult Monarchs. You can also ask Don any questions you might have about these amazing butterflies.

Drew Monkman

Don Davis tagging Monarchs at Presqu'ile Provincial Park

Don Davis tagging Monarchs at Presqu’ile Provincial Park

Don Davis holding tagged Monarch

Don Davis holding tagged Monarch

tagged Monarch ready to be released

Tagged Monarch ready to be released

Tagged Monarch - Drew Monkman

Tagged Monarch – Drew Monkman

Drew Monkman

I am a retired teacher, naturalist and writer with a love for all aspects of the natural world, especially as they relate to seasonal change.