I was down along Nichols Road and County Road 2 on April 1 and saw this Northern Shrike. Carl Welbourn
Today, April 1, it was nice to hear four Chorus Frogs calling along the trail near Trent University. Early sign of spring ! Mostly frozen willow shrub wetland with some open water. Mike Barker

On April 4, I saw 12 plus Turkey Vultures soaring over Peterborough at about 6:30p.m.( Parkhill and Chemong road area) and drifting North. Jim Watts
On April 11, I went down to Hall Landing on Rice Lake and took these pictures of an Eastern Phoebe and a pair of Sandhill Cranes. Carl Welbourn

On April 16, I found about a dozen Lesser Yellowlegs in a field pond on Bensford Rd. Carl Welbourn, Kawartha Camera Club

On April 16, we saw two Caspian Terns on a rock in the water across the street from Peterborough Manor on Water Street, and we saw dozens of Tree Swallows flying low over the river just below Lakefield. Marie Duchesneau
I have a female Northern Cardinal flying at my windows and landing on windowsills. It’s funny, because I haven’t seen them at my feeders all winter. She sits in our cedar trees and sings. I am wondering what she is after? This has been going on all day for about three days, starting April 16. I hear a tapping and look out and she looks right back at me. I would be interested in any info thanks in advance . Judy Baker, 3rd line of Asphodel, Norwood
On April 18, there were thousands of Tree Swallows flying over the Lakefield Marsh and feeding on a huge hatch of midges. I had midges all over my coat! Mike Barker

Yellow-crowned Night-Heron (Nyctanassa violacea) (1) CONFIRMED – Reported Apr 20, 2020 18:09 by C Douglas – Peterborough- Preston Rd just south of Cavan Ck., Peterborough, Ontario – Map: http://maps.google.com/?ie=UTF8&t=p&z=13&q=44.27037,-78.416413&ll=44.27037,-78.416413 – Checklist: https://ebird.org/checklist/S67557252 – Media: 4 Photos – Comments: “Continuing”

Yellow-crowned Night-Heron (Nyctanassa violacea) (1) – Reported Apr 23, 2020 15:27 by Sue Sharpe – Preston Road, Peterborough, Ontario – Map: http://maps.google.com/?ie=UTF8&t=p&z=13&q=44.2697564,-78.4163027&ll=44.2697564,-78.4163027 – Checklist: https://ebird.org/checklist/S67692282 – Media: 1 Photo – Comments: “Continuing bird….found a couple of days ago by others…bold head pattern with white on cheek, yellow feathers on forehead and dark bill”
Redhead (Aythya americana) (2) – Reported Apr 23, 2020 14:37 by Martyn Obbard – 210 Sumcot Drive, Buckhorn, Ontario, CA (44.488, -78.433), Peterborough, Ontario – Map: http://maps.google.com/?ie=UTF8&t=p&z=13&q=44.4876472,-78.4333629&ll=44.4876472,-78.4333629 – Checklist: https://ebird.org/checklist/S67685710 – Comments: “Pair”

Horned Grebe (Podiceps auritus) (1) – Reported Apr 24, 2020 17:28 by Glenn Desy – Peterborough–Little Lake Cemetery, Peterborough, Ontario – Map: http://maps.google.com/?ie=UTF8&t=p&z=13&q=44.2939092,-78.3085044&ll=44.2939092,-78.3085044 – Checklist: https://ebird.org/checklist/S67746516 – Comments: “Breeding adult. Swimming in middle of lake between cemetery and Mark Street boat launch. Big yellow tufts down sides of head. Head: black. Neck: rusty brown. Back: light gray with rusty sides. Red eyes.”

Yesterday morning, April 28, I witnessed a confrontation between a Canada Goose and a Mute Swan. I think the goose was defending his nest from the swan who swam a bit close. The swan was pretty impressive when he spread out his wings. It all turned out OK as the swan seemed to just calmly and gracefully swim off, perhaps back to the other side of the marsh where I expect he and his mate have a nest. I was also threatened by a goose who flew at me the other day when I stopped too long near his family of five goslings and did not heed his early warnings. My puppy seemed even more scared than me. There are also many Tree Swallows circling over the Lakefield Marsh at dusk and dawn and a pair of Caspian Terns hanging out at the beach near my house! Guy Hanchet, Lakefield

N.B. The cardinal is seeing its reflection in the window and thinks there is another cardinal in its territory. By flying up against the window, it is trying to drive the “intruder” away. D.M.