Chorus Frog  -Tim Dyson

Chorus Frog -Tim Dyson

Yesterday afternoon (April 13th) I heard Chorus Frogs calling at two locations on Division Rd: <10 calling from the cattail-shrub thicket-maple swamp around 500 m east of Blezard Line; and about the same number in the flooded maple floodplain of the West Ouse River around 600 m west of South Dummer. I heard Spring Peepers calling at one site, about the same number (<10) calling in flooded maple swamp on the west side of Birdsalls Line midway between Birdsalls Lane and River Rd. On Saturday (April 12th) I observed a Midland Painted Turtle basking on the cattail mat along the east side of the still ice-covered North Cell of the Lakefield Sewage Lagoons. The turtle was surprisingly agile and scuttled into the small area of open water between the ice-edge and the cattail fringe. At the time (1:00 P.M.) it was mostly overcast (75%), calm and with an air temperature of 13 C.

Also yesterday (April 13th), I saw my first butterfly of the year, a Mourning Cloak, along Hubble Road.

Don Sutherland

Categories: Sightings

Drew Monkman

I am a retired teacher, naturalist and writer with a love for all aspects of the natural world, especially as they relate to seasonal change.