Last February, I photographed this Barred Owl, which was perched on my phone cable – 20′ from the front of the house, in Selwyn Township, just south of Lakefield. About 30′ to each side of him/her were my 2 bird feeders – and not a small bird in sight! It was early evening, and the owl was not one bit bothered that I was standing in the front window clicking away just to get its portrait! Ever optimistic, it stayed around for about 20 minutes. I was absolutely delighted to have it visit.

Also, the owl was heard calling out about 2 or 3 AM one night just last week. Perhaps my bird feeders will get another visit from it soon! Looking forward to fall migration as I am sure you are.

Lynda Gadd

Barred Owl – Feb. 2017 – Selwyn Township – Lynda Gadd

Categories: Sightings

Drew Monkman

I am a retired teacher, naturalist and writer with a love for all aspects of the natural world, especially as they relate to seasonal change.