Over three days in the last week of September, we were seeing large numbers of Common Grackles here at Stony Lake. There were hundreds if not a thousand over the course of several hours the first day. Then 200 or so the next two days. They appeared to be all grackles, with no other species mixed in with them that I saw. I also saw several high-altitude flocks of Canada Geese flying in the classic formation. It has been so calm for the last week that they are easy to hear.
Late Sunday afternoon (Sept. 28) there was a large but very scattered flock of gulls near South Beach. The same is happening all over Gilcrest Bay. Ring Bills but probably others. I believe they stay over. Whenever we come home late we suddenly see then fly up.  I also saw 3 Common Loons today (October 1st). Their plumage has changed, so it is getting harder to distinguish the young ones. Marty and I feel so fortunate to live here, especially in the spring and fall.

Flock of northern Canada Geese passing over - Drew Monkman Rathbun Lake - Sept. 2008

Flock of northern Canada Geese passing over – Drew Monkman – Rathbun Lake – Sept. 2008

Rob Welsh, Stony Lake

Categories: Sightings

Drew Monkman

I am a retired teacher, naturalist and writer with a love for all aspects of the natural world, especially as they relate to seasonal change.